O No No No No No No na + na + + + + + + + + + + + + + + (+) + Sambuughin et al. 2001 [40] This study, H. R fert Galli et al. 2006 [30] Zullo et al. 2009 [26] R fert et al. 2002 [41] Sambuugghin et al. 2001 [42] Chamley et al. 2000 [43] R fert et al. 2002 [41] Brandt et al. 1999 [44] Barone et al. 1999 [45] Manning et al. 1998 [46] Dekomien et al. 2005 [47] Galli et al. 2006 [30] This study, K. Jurkat-Rott This study, V. Sorrentino Robinson et al. 2006 [6] This study, V. Sorrentino Zullo et al. 2009 [26] This study, H. R fert Jungbluth et al. 2002 [48] Monnier et al. 2005 [49] This study, K. Jurkat-Rott This study, V. Sorrentinoc.11723AT p.N3908I c.12398AG p.E4133G c.12413TC p.I4138Tc.12532GA p.G4178S c.13990TC p.C4664Rc.14204GA p.R4735Q c.14545GA c.14627AG p.V4849I p.K4876Rc.14833CT p.R4945X c.15059GC p.W5020SOverview of all ryanodine receptor sort 1 (RyR1) mutations that have been detected within this study. If far more than 1 patient carried precisely the same mutation outcomes of in vitro contracture tests (IVCT) and clinical grading scales are shown as mean standard deviation. Individuals with double RyR1 mutations are listed separately. Novel variations (n = 13) are highlighted (bold). Polymorphisms (n = 2) are marked with asterisks (*). Polyphen2: + = probably damaging, (+) = possibly damaging, – = benign, na = not applicable to truncations; Sift: + = deleterious, – = tolerated, na = not applicable to truncations; Mutation taster: + = disease-causing; – = polymorphism.Gemfibrozil Page 9 ofKlingler et al.Biotin-d2-1 Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2014, 9:8 http://www.PMID:23543429 ojrd/content/9/1/Table 3 Double mutations with the ryanodine receptor typeIn vitro contracture test Contracture No. of sufferers Exon Nucleotide Substitution Causative PolyPhen2 Sift Mutation taster References within this study mutation predictions predictions predictions 1 11 65 1 eight 28 1 44 93 1 29 98 c.1100GT p.R367L c.9649TC c.677TA c.4024AG c.7085AG p.S3217P p.M226K p.S1342G p.E2362G No No No No No No No No + + This study, T. Girard Levano et al. 2009 [38] Robinson et al. 2006 [6] 53.0 Levano et al. 2009 [39] Galli et al. 2006 [30] Groom et al. 2011 [50] Vukcevic et al. 2010 [51] 15.0 Monnier et al. 2005 [49] 12.0 0.5 1.5 35 56.0 57.0 0.5 0.five 35 24.0 0.5 0.five 38 Threshold 2 vol two mmoll-1 halothane caffeine CGS halothane [mN] caffeine [mN] [vol ] [mmoll-1] 20.0 4.five 1.0 1.5c.13513GC p.D4505H c.4178AG p.K1393Rc.14210GA p.R4737QIn this study 4 patients carried a double mutation from the ryanodine receptor form 1 (RyR1). These individuals had marked outcomes within the in vitro contracture tests but clinical grading scales had been avarage (mean: 39.00 points). On account of the compact quantity of instances a statistical evaluation was not performed. Novel mutations (n = 1) are highlighted (bold). CGS = clinical grading scale.Web page ten ofKlingler et al. Orphanet Journal of Uncommon Ailments 2014, 9:8 http://www.ojrd/content/9/1/Page 11 ofFigure four (See legend on next page.)Klingler et al. Orphanet Journal of Rare Ailments 2014, 9:eight http://www.ojrd/content/9/1/Page 12 of(See figure on prior web page.) Figure 4 Areas and effects of ryanodine receptor kind 1 mutations. A: Amino acid (AS) sequence of the ryanodine receptor type 1 (RyR1) in the n-terminal end towards the c-terminal end. Many of the mutations found in this study are situated in one of the three hot spots: MH/ CCD region 1: AS 35 to 614; MH/CCD area two: AS 2163 to 2458; MH/CCD area 3: AS 4664 to 5020. B: Clinical grading scale (imply) for every RyR1 mutation in regard of the location of t.
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